Jennifer Whyte is a designer and artist living in nyc ~

💞 I have over 6 years of experience architecting, designing, and building digital experiences for the web. My work has impacted oncologists worldwide, infectious disease vector control technicians in Panamá, and developers everywhere. Some of my favorite projects I've worked on have had me solving complex information architecture problems and iterating on interaction models that simplify otherwise difficult and lengthy workflows. I care deeply about making products that are helpful, useable, and accessible.

💻 I'm currently at Digital Asset designing tools for developers to build and deploy smart contract powered multi-party applications (mostly finance apps!) using Daml and Daml Hub. Previously at IBM Watson, where my work was recognized by the Fast Company Innovation by Design Awards in 2017, and SCAD. You can find my portfolio at

☂️ In my free time I enjoy dancing, drawing, and cuddling with my two cats Dante & Zuko. You can also find me geeking out about tech, anime and kpop 24/7. Sometimes I sell fun stickers and merch at Nice & Gloomy Shop. ^.^

✨ Find me elsewhere on the web -> @purrrlin